Carpal Tunnel Release

A Comprehensive Guide by the Brain and Spine Neurosurgical Institute


Overview of a Carpal Tunnel Release

If you're experiencing the discomfort of carpal tunnel syndrome, relief could be closer than you think. Our guide provides insights into carpal tunnel release surgery, a specialized procedure designed to alleviate the pressure on the median nerve. This comprehensive resource will walk you through the procedure, delve into the diagnosis process, and offer guidance for your recovery. Our mission is to empower you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about your treatment.

Understanding Carpal Tunnel Release

Carpal tunnel release is a surgery that divides the transverse carpal ligament in order to relieve the pressure on the median nerve.  This is a treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome.  In general, mild cases can be controlled with conservative treatment such as splinting of the wrist and of avoidance of triggers. Surgery is recommended in severe cases when there is constant pain, numbness or muscle weakness of the hand.  This surgery usually takes under fifteen minutes and the total time spent in the hospital is a few hours.



Carpal tunnel syndrome is diagnosed using electro diagnostic testing EMG (electromyographic). These studies are used to examine muscle function. A loss of strength in the muscles surrounding the median nerve suggests that they are not receiving a strong enough signal from the nerve. This decreased signal strength is often due to the compression of the nerve.



A small incision is made at the site of the transverse carpal ligament. This ligament is then cut, releasing pressure on the median nerve and decreasing any swelling it may have caused. Your surgery will last about 15 minutes and is generally performed as an outpatient procedure.

It is common for patients to experience pain at the incision site as well as hand stiffness for about a week after surgery. Driving and work can be resumed based on the comfort level of the patient.

Wound Care

Following your surgery, watch our video on correct wound care.


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